Thursday 30 April 2015

Audience Feedback Post

We showed a group of year 12s our rough cut and digipak, which you can see here:

We also handed out sheets, and requested they fill them in, you can see the sheets here:

And requested they fill them in, and then we collected the sheets and got these results:

After collecting these results, we needed to collate them, which we did and the results are in this table:

Our full results can be seen here:


  1. Typically slick way to present the feedback! Don't neglect to give your response, once you've time to think it through - and even if it slows progress towards final cut, start to prioritise updating/creating links lists/blog management as you go, don't let it continue to build as a backlog (this will help a lot with Evals too). Posts like the 'multi ambers' are just what you need
    Clear sense of momentum now with 4th rough cut signifying a huge step on from initial drafts. Layering/effects on performance footage which isn't entirely convincing may be a useful strategy to deploy again; the uplift with the newspaper backdrop is simply phenomenal

    1. Thanks for the feedback!

      I'm working on the next rough cut being full of improvements based on this feedback, hopefully then (as I've made a snapshot of the project) I can work to a compromise between the feedback and the vision.

      Yes, I managed to get a bit of feedback over the weekend and the use of a backdrop/ layering to distract from the performance, so it's certainly something to look at. I like the newspaper part too!


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