Thursday, 14 May 2015

Evaluation Q3

Q3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Throughout our time creating our music package, we have involved the audience. By utilising the audience, we were able to define our target audience and get their approval on sections of our video.

Audience Research
We felt pretty certain about who was a fan of lady gaga.
We placed the Primary Audience as being:
Females/Gay Male
Ages 15-24.
But we also took into consideration a secondary audience:
All Genders/Sexualities
Tween and 24-44

We wanted to ensure we have the right regions before creating anything, so we put together a video to play to people and get feedback on.

We went to where we felt we would find our audience, A Y11 class (16Yrs) and a Y12 class (17Yrs), we also looked for our secondary audience of 24+

We found the Y11 class surprising, as when we asked them to name Lady Gaga based on a few pictures, it was the Heterosexual Males who were most willing to identify the video, and yet they also stated that they disliked her and/or her music. Clearly showing that they are willing to watch her videos but perhaps not listen or follow her.

When we went to Y12, we noted that the females all stood up and correctly identified all of Lady Gaga's videos, which secured the fact that they would be our target audience. There was one male who stood for the question 'have you listened to her song in the past week', This reenforced that the Male was clearly a secondary audience. We asked him if he owned any of her songs, but he replied that he had seen it on youtube and decided to listen. To me, this suggests that he enjoys her music, in a sense that he would listen to it if it came up on youtube, but perhaps not actively seek it out to listen to.

We asked 2 girls and 1 boy within the lower bracket of our primary audience to watch the video, when it came for them to identify the songs, the girls instantly knew the songs, and as we went further it became clear that one was certainly a fan, being able to name her albums off the top of her head! It was incredibly comforting for us to see this, as it showed the clear fans that Gaga has within the 15-24 female bracket. In the video it was clear to see that, while the male did not call himself a fan, he was not showing the same dislike as some of the Year 11s, in fact he had even seen 'Maybe Gaga', A Lady Gaga tribute act. This showed us that the Secondary audience incorporating males was a wise choice.

We showed a few of our teachers the video, to see if we were right in our placement of the upper bound to the audience.

Both of the first teachers identified Lady Gaga. Both identified the first video and showed some recognition to the second track, with one even able to identify the name of a collaborating artist. However, when it came to the third track, neither knew it, showing that they were not the people Gaga targets with her music. Despite this, both showed familiarity to Tony Bennett, perhaps showing Gaga's attempts to broaden her appeal by collaborating with him. They would not call her a fan, but said they appreciated her music.
This put us in a dilemma, the teachers seemed like they would be target-able by Gaga, but weren't an ideal secondary audience.

So we turned to a second set of teachers. On our first image, they recognized Gaga from her controversial Meat Dress. They had a familiarity with Gaga, but neither were showing the same knowledge that some of the younger groups showed. One, the male, was able to recall a section of the telephone video, which, once again shows that the heterosexual male is a clear sudience for Gaga to target, affirming for us that it would be foolish to rule them out. He identified his cause as being a result of his 11 and 9 year old children, this showed perfectly for us the need to cater for the Tween audience.

Thanks to this research, we are confident to say that our audience was what we thought it was, and so we moved on to producing the video.

After creating some rough examples of products, we went and received feedback on these.

Audience Feedback
We made use of View sync while receiving audience feedback.

I asked my friend, after exporting two versions of the catwalk section to tell me what she thought of it. Her feedback was very useful for us, and we decided not waste anymore time on working at that section.
We recognised that more feedback is better and so we continued getting more feedback.
This time we asked about the andy warhol section, we had just completed it and wanted to see peoples opinions on it, this is what they said

These pieces of audience feedback showed us that this section is exactly how it needs to be.

Some more audience feedback, on our Magazine Ads, can be found here:

We paid close attention to what people said, many of them were largely positive about our products, and each piece of critism was considered, for example, when we showed a collection of Year 12s our music video, we got this feedback:

this feedback was useful, but we felt that going round and asking what people thought was a better way to get feedback.
When we went around this class, we ran into one of the AS Media students, who we felt would be able to give us a far more analytical view of our video, this is what she said:

Her comments were helpful for us, but she stated that she felt that the two Gagas at the end were a bit odd in terms of size.
We opted to ignore this feedback, as the look we wanted for this section was to seem like Gaga was observing herself and her performance.

We felt that analysing this feedback and reviewing what people said was more important than blindly following it, while we do care what the audience thought, we felt that the most important aspect to our video was the verisimilitude, sometimes people would look at our video more as a students work and not hold it to a professional standard, as they would a real video.

Another important aspect to our feedback was our Instagram account, when we asked them what they thought of our Andy Warhol image, we received the following feedback:
our Instagram post

Some of our followers responded, one said she would love to see it without the wig, however, this is something we aren't able to do, owing to verisimilitude reasons. Another commented on how Gaga they looked, and felt it seemed like it fit the ARTPOP theme. We were overjoyed at this comment, as we had not realised the ARTPOP connection (owing to our focus on Pop Art). However once it was revealed to us, we immediately knew how we could use this and adjusted the images to better suit the clear lines shown in Lady Gaga's ARTPOP, by switching the yellow and red Gagas around, which also improved our advert as a whole.


We also turned to facebook for audience feedback, looking to hear some improvements we could make, in some cases it appeared people had noting but praise for our videos

Which filled us with joy, as we knew we were on the right tracks

However, some posts were less successful.

All in all, I feel that Facebook was certainly the weakest of the audience feedbacks.

I think that our feedback was very helpful in guiding us when we were stuck, however I fear that many people were too supportive, where we would have preferred them to be more critical!

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