These are all the drafts for adverts that Amber did, after research into which magazines to go for during her research.
Heat magazine is an accurate representation of our overall package and campaign as it provides us with the 15 - 24 age bracket which is what our target audience is. Although according to the YouGov demographics this is slightly out of our reach as Lady Gaga is usually aimed at C2DE profile.
Below is the Ad prices:
Although prices are very high in heat magazine, due to it being a popular 'chat and gossip' magazine we would like to produce a full page ad for this. As it is on our target audience and we feel this magazine would aid us in providing wide spread coverage.
On the other hand we have chosen to also look at Q magazine, although slightly older we think this would be good due to the fact that it ties in with our secondary target audience which spans over 2 age ranges - ranging from 25 - 44 we think this is good, especially to advertise our tour as we feel it is most likely going to be adults buying tickets to see Lady Gaga on tour for the teenagers than the teens buying it themselves. Therefore advertising it in here could potentially provide more revenue. Also Q reader has a heavy rock influence so we have designed a specific poster that would be directly influenced to incorporate the rock theme.
Although prices in Q magazine are not as expensive we do think that it would only be neccessary to have a half page horizontal. This is because it is not our main target audience.
This is the image we hope to use in Q magazine.
These are some drafts amber has done:
This is the 2nd draft of the main ad
A magazine ad not using images.
And one using the Warhol Images:
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